
“Penny Stock Boom Sparks 4,300% Gain in Indian Firm With No Sales”

“Retail investors’ frenzy over small stocks in India has reached such extremes that shares of some companies that aren’t booking any sales, let alone profits, are going through the roof. These include Transglobe Foods Ltd., a fruit-jam maker that has… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Energy Firm BP to Cut 10,000 Jobs Worldwide…”

“Energy company BP said Monday that its global workforce will be trimmed by 10,000 jobs… Chief Executive Bernard Looney said that the roles will be office-based and come mostly this year. The company’s current global workforce is 70,000. The changes… Continue Reading…

Real Estate

“U.S. mortgage firms push for support as borrowers halt payments”

“The number of people seeking to have mortgage payments paused or reduced rose to 7.5% as of April 26 from 7.0% a week earlier as the economic effects of the novel coronavirus outbreak stretched household finances, figures from the Mortgage… Continue Reading…