Business, Economy

“Plunging Home Prices, Fleeing Companies: Austin’s Glow Is Fading”

“Oracle Corp. is moving its headquarters out of the city. Tesla Inc. is pulling back after a rapid expansion. Almost a quarter of commercial office space is vacant, and nowhere in the country have residential real estate prices fallen further… Continue Reading…


“Why Californians are fleeing this once-Golden State”

“…The U.S. Census Bureau reported in March that California’s population as of last July had dropped to an estimated 38,965,000. That’s down by 75,400 in a year — and 573,000 below California’s peak of 39.5 million in 2020. Entering this… Continue Reading…


“Super rich New Yorkers — including billionaire Carl Icahn — are fleeing the Big Apple in droves. Here are the top 3 states they’re quickly escaping to”

“…Between 2019 and 2020, the number of New Yorkers earning between $150,000 and $750,000 fell by nearly 6%, according to the New York City Independent Budget Office…. Moreover, the number of real high earners — those making over $750,000 —… Continue Reading…