
“…How the rich and famous are fleeing the US in horror at President Trump…”

“America’s rich and famous are leading the charge out of the US and flocking to exclusive pockets of Britain in record numbers in a desperate bid to escape life under Donald Trump. The increasingly ‘volatile’ political landscape across the pond, most… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Plunging Home Prices, Fleeing Companies: Austin’s Glow Is Fading”

“Oracle Corp. is moving its headquarters out of the city. Tesla Inc. is pulling back after a rapid expansion. Almost a quarter of commercial office space is vacant, and nowhere in the country have residential real estate prices fallen further… Continue Reading…


“Why Californians are fleeing this once-Golden State”

“…The U.S. Census Bureau reported in March that California’s population as of last July had dropped to an estimated 38,965,000. That’s down by 75,400 in a year — and 573,000 below California’s peak of 39.5 million in 2020. Entering this… Continue Reading…


“Super rich New Yorkers — including billionaire Carl Icahn — are fleeing the Big Apple in droves. Here are the top 3 states they’re quickly escaping to”

“…Between 2019 and 2020, the number of New Yorkers earning between $150,000 and $750,000 fell by nearly 6%, according to the New York City Independent Budget Office…. Moreover, the number of real high earners — those making over $750,000 —… Continue Reading…