Personal Finance

“Does The Government Own Part Of Your Traditional 401k?”

“Watching your retirement account grow can be exhilarating. However, if it’s a 401(k) or individual retirement account holding pre-tax contributions, don’t forget Uncle Sam owns a portion of the balance you see.  “All too often, investors look at their traditional… Continue Reading…


“Walmart sales soared as shoppers spent their stimulus checks”

“Walmart sales got a big boost last quarter as shoppers spent their government stimulus checks on home goods, electronics and lawn care products, the company said Tuesday. Walmart’s sales at US stores open for at least one year increased 9.3%… Continue Reading…


“Kodak shares tank more than 40% as government loan is put on pause…”

“Shares of Eastman Kodak plunged more than 40% at the low on Monday after a federal agency said it was reviewing a previously announced $765 million loan for the onetime photography pioneer to produce drug ingredients. “Recent allegations of wrongdoing raise serious… Continue Reading…


“Where’s my money? 35 million still waiting on stimulus checks, feds say”

“An estimated 30 million to 35 million people in the United States are still waiting on federal coronavirus relief payments, CBS News reports. The payments of $1,200 per person or $2,400 per couple, plus money for each minor child, have been going… Continue Reading…


“Record government and corporate debt risks ‘tipping point’ after pandemic passes”

“The United States is embarking on a rapid-fire experiment in borrowing without precedent, as the government and corporations take on trillions of dollars of debt to offset the economic damage from the coronavirus pandemic. The federal government is on its… Continue Reading…


“Coronavirus stimulus checks: What to know about mail delivery”

“Paper checks will be issued at a rate of about 5 million per week, meaning it could take up to 20 weeks to issue all the checks expected to be mailed. The checks will be issued in reverse “adjusted gross… Continue Reading…


“More than 2,100 U.S. cities brace for budget shortfalls… many planning cuts and layoffs”

“More than 2,100 U.S. cities are anticipating major budget shortfalls this year and many are planning to slash programs and cut staff in response, according to a new survey of local officials released Tuesday… Nearly 9 in 10 cities surveyed… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

“Fannie and Freddie could require bailout if lockdown lasts”

“Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-controlled companies that guarantee nearly half of US mortgages, could require their second bailout in just over a decade if the US economy remains in a lockdown for several months, their regulator has warned.… Continue Reading…


“Federal Taxes and Spending Set Records Through February”

“During the October-February period, the government spent a record $1,991,272,000,000 while it collected a record $1,366,750,000,000 in taxes… Thus, while running up records in taxing and spending for the first five months of the fiscal year, the federal government also… Continue Reading…


“Federal Taxes and Spending Set Records Through January”

“The federal government set records for both the amount of taxes it collected and the amount of money it spent in the first four months of fiscal 2020 (October through January), according to data released today in the Monthly Treasury Statement.… Continue Reading…