Economy, Personal Finance

“63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck — including nearly half of six-figure earners”

“As of September, 63% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent LendingClub report — near the 64% historic high hit in March. A year ago, the number of adults who felt strained was closer to 57%. “Consumers are… Continue Reading…


“Almost half of Americans are holding on to $21 billion in unused gift cards, store credits”

“Even as many people struggle to stretch their incomes amid high inflation, it turns out there’s money they already have they’re probably overlooking — unused gift cards. To that point, 47% of people currently have at least one unused gift card,… Continue Reading…


“Nearly half of all Americans are falling deeper in debt as inflation continues to boost costs”

“In an economy that has produced the highest inflation rate since 1981, Americans are struggling to keep up with expenses and are putting less money aside for emergencies or long-term financial goals, several recent studies show. Nearly 40% of consumers cannot put any… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Half of Americans quit their jobs last year to make a career change…”  

“…It turns out the “Great Resignation,” also known as the “Great Reshuffle,” has many Americans rethinking the type of work they are doing. Some 53% of employed U.S. adults who quit their job in 2021 changed their occupation or field… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“Nearly half of Americans think they’ll retire in debt: Here are the 5 top reasons why”

“…Nearly half, 46%, of the 2,050 people polled in a new MagnifyMoney survey think their current financial situation will force them to retire in debt. The survey included workers of all generations, from ages 18 to 75, not just those approaching retirement.… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

“Nearly half of Americans selling their homes don’t plan to buy another: Here’s what they’re doing instead”

“The housing market is red-hot and showing few signs of slowing down. Home prices were at a median $386,888 in June, according to Redfin, up 24% since last June. And demand is high: The average house lasted just 14 days on the market,… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“Almost half of Americans are willing to take on debt in a post-pandemic spending splurge, survey finds”

“Americans are ready to start spending money to treat themselves — and 44% are willing to go into debt to do it, a report from finds. Millennials, ages 24-40, are most likely to take on more debt (59%) followed by Gen… Continue Reading…


“Farm Bankruptcies Rise in Over Half of States”

“Across the country, farmers are struggling with particularly difficult financial realities. The past year has seen extreme flooding in the Midwest and drought in the West, a tariff war that resulted in commodity prices plummeting, and falling land value… … “Farm debt has been rising more rapidly… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

More Than Half Of American Parents Went Over Their Summer Budgets

“A new survey from TD Ameritrade finds that 52% of parents with children under 18 spent more than they intended to this summer. The average summer debt for those parents is $1,960 this year. That compares with just $563 for… Continue Reading…

Economy, Personal Finance

“Half of Older Americans Have Nothing in Retirement Savings”

“…almost half of Americans approaching retirement have nothing saved in a 401(k) or other individual account. The good news is that the new estimate, from the U.S. Government Accountability Office, is slightly better than a few years earlier. Of those… Continue Reading…