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Help Raxxmorz Grow. Click Here For Details

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Raxxmorz.com is the main hub for content. Please share the articles. Make sure to subscribe as well. It’s completely free. You can also follow me on: Twitter and Linkedin. Feel free to leave any questions or comments. Also if you’re a… Continue Reading…


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Raxxmorz.com is the main hub for content. Please share the articles. Make sure to subscribe as well. It’s completely free. You can also follow me on: Twitter and Linkedin. Feel free to leave any questions or comments. Also if you’re a… Continue Reading…


“U.S. to release 1 million barrels of oil per day from reserves to help cut gas prices”

“The White House on Thursday announced that the U.S. will release 1 million barrels of oil per day from strategic reserves to help cut gas prices and fight inflation across the country…” https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/31/us-to-release-1-million-barrels-of-oil-per-day-from-reserves-to-help-cut-gas-prices.html This is bad. If all emergency supplies… Continue Reading…


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Raxxmorz.com is the main hub for content. Please share the articles. Make sure to subscribe as well. It’s completely free. You can also follow me on: Twitter and Linkedin. Feel free to leave any questions or comments. Also if you’re a… Continue Reading…


“Wanted: 80,000 truck drivers to help fix the supply chain”

“The trucking industry is short 80,000 drivers, a record high, Chris Spear, President and CEO of the American Trucking Associations, tells CNN. That’s a 30% increase from before the pandemic, when the industry already faced a labor shortage of 61,500… Continue Reading…


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Raxxmorz.com is the main hub for content. Please share the articles. Make sure to subscribe as well. It’s completely free. You can also follow me on: Twitter and Linkedin. Feel free to leave any questions or comments. Also if you’re a… Continue Reading…


Help Raxxmorz.com Grow. Spread The Word.

Raxxmorz.com is the main hub for content. Please share the articles. Make sure to subscribe as well. It’s completely free. You can also follow me on: Twitter and Linkedin. Feel free to leave any questions or comments. Also if you’re a… Continue Reading…