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“Are record corporate profits driving inflation? Here’s what experts think.”

“…Some who do blame corporate price-gouging for a portion of the price increases said it arises from market concentration that allows a handful of dominant companies in a given sector to raise prices without fear of competitors undercutting them with… Continue Reading…


“70% of Americans think a recession is coming: Here’s what they are doing to prepare”

“Most Americans — 70% — already believe an economic downturn is on its way, according to a new survey from MagnifyMoney. The online survey was conducted between June 10 and 14 and included 2,082 respondents. A recession is defined as a significant economic… Continue Reading…


“Stock market: Here’s what usually happens after a 20% plunge”

“…The S&P 500 has been higher three years later in eight out of nine cases in which the index has fallen 20% or more from an all-time high going back to 1957, according to research from Truist co-chief investment officer Keith… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“Here’s how America’s millionaires are positioning themselves for a recession ⁠— if you’re doing something different, you might want to think twice”

“…1. Mostly nothing — for now Sometimes the hardest thing to do is nothing. But when the market bottoms out, knee-jerk reactions like immediately selling off investments are often the worst thing you can do… 2. Mixing it up when… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

Exodus Incoming: “More than a third of New Yorkers say they can’t afford to live here”

“More than a third of all city residents say they can’t afford to live anywhere in the state — much less the Big Apple — and believe economic hardship will send them packing in five years or less, according to… Continue Reading…