


“California Man Makes $2.8 Million Trading Stocks From Home—How?”

“In 2012, Kyle graduated college with $80,000 in debt and no job offers in sight. He asked his mom to get him a job at the real estate office, and after several months of saving a few hundred dollars a… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

“7 Retirement Hobbies That Make You Money”

Fishing. Golfing. Pet care. Shopping. Pottery. Woodworking. Sightseeing. Click the link above to find out more about those money making hobbies. I’d like to add no matter what hobby everyone should check if their hobby can be profitable. Also… Continue Reading…

Predictions, Opinions, & Comments, Stocks

Self Defense: Robinhood Penny Stocks

Here’s a stock tip. Whenever you don’t know what’s happening collect as much data as possible. I don’t know what’s going on with Robinhood and it’s random erratic graphs so I decided to do some test. How? I decided to… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments, Stocks

Stock Analysis – What To Look For

As always take my advice at your own risk. I am not responsible be the outcome of your endeavors positive or negative. First here are the references so you know what I’m talking about. The definition of Murphy’s Law is:… Continue Reading…

Investing, Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Make It Rain! How To Pump And Dump Like A Pro.

Let me give fair warning for anyone that will take this advice. This is one of the strategies I will be using in the future but some of my evidence will be based on speculation, gut feeling, and intuition. I’ve… Continue Reading…

Investing, Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments, Stocks

Long Term Investment: Which Stocks Do I Choose?

There’s a few basic things I think a person should look for when choosing which stock to invest in long term. First: Stability of the company. Most people are not risk takers. They like safety and security. The vast majority… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Bad Habits Begone! Money Come On!

Do you want to hear something amazing? I can save your life and make you money. I can do that right now for free. That’s right you heard me. Do you smoke? Stop. Lung cancer is a horrible way to… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Cut, cut, cut the debt

A debt problem is a major problem. No matter how much a persons makes if they spend more than they take in they’ll never attain financial freedom. This is, or should be common knowledge so why are so many people… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Beginner Tip: Apply What You Learn

You may have heard there is no such thing as “get rich quick.” There isn’t but there is a such thing as getting rich quicker. What that means is there are ways to acquire wealth more quickly. How quickly this… Continue Reading…

Business, Investing, Personal Finance

First Step Towards Success

Hello, my name is Teon Smith. I’m new to the world of finance. That being said what advice could I possibly offer? That’s easy; a person can never succeed if they never try. The first step to success is to… Continue Reading…