
“$1 Dogecoin looks almost inevitable now”

“Dogecoin continued its recent surge Wednesday, hitting new all-time highs and making even the most skeptical admit that the vaulted $1 price goal is looking more and more achievable. The cryptocurrency that no one was meant to take seriously spiked to just… Continue Reading…

Precious Metals

“Ted Butler: A Silver Price Explosion Is Inevitable”

“Mr. Butler is extremely careful about what he writes.  His analysis is based on government data and he sticks closely to the facts. No one has ever successfully overturned his arguments or proved him wrong. He believes we are currently… Continue Reading…


“Financial Crises Are Naturally Recurring and Inevitable – Here’s Why”

“If you were to consider all of the financial crises we’ve witnessed throughout our recent history–each with their own unique causes and contexts–one consistent feature emerges: they’re cyclical… Act I: Lax oversight and loose banking regulations lead to economic fragilities. Act… Continue Reading…