
[Lies] “For Lower-Income Workers, Recent Economic Gains Endure” This article is behind a paywall. Amazing they want you to pay for them to lie to you. Have any of these writers been to the grocery store? Groceries and utilities affect lower income workers the most. This is… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Precious Metals

“Five Easy Ways to Avoid a Scam – Home Testing Your Gold and Silver”

“Are you worried that your gold and silver coins might not contain the purity of content that was advertised when you bought them? Perhaps you’re new to physical gold and silver investing. Aside from trusting your dealer’s word, how else… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“3 Money Lies That Could Wreck Your Finances”

“1. It’s OK to hold off on saving for retirement because you have plenty of time left …Although it’s reasonable to assume you can afford to wait to start saving if you have decades left before retirement, every year counts.… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“…1 In 4 Have Lied About Their Debt To A New Love Interest”

“Sponsored by SelfLender, the survey found that about a quarter (24%) of respondents have lied to a new partner about their level of debt. The survey also revealed that many adults are deceptive about their financial situations in general. Three in 10 admit… Continue Reading…