
“Why so many men in the US have stopped working”

“ America’s men are working at much lower rates than they used to — and the reasons are a mixed bag of positive and negative economic news…” The two main reasons why less men are working are not covered in this… Continue Reading…


“72% of six-figure earners are men, while 57% of workers making under $25,000 are women, survey finds”

“Many Americans agree it now takes a six-figure salary — at least — to get by amid today’s rising prices and economic uncertainty. Yet, 72% of six-figure earners are men, according to a recent report by MagnifyMoney that’s based on an analysis… Continue Reading…


“Men’s Wearhouse owner Tailored Brands plans to shut 500 stores, cut 20% of corporate workforce”

“Tailored Brands said it is eliminating roughly 20% of its corporate workforce by the end of its fiscal second quarter. It also said it has selected up to 500 stores that it could close “over time.” It did not disclose locations…… Continue Reading…


“Wives now out-earn their husbands nearly a third of the time”

“…Among married couples, wives now out-earn their husbands nearly 30% of the time, up from 15.9% in 1981, according to recently released data from the Census Bureau. “Men’s wages have stagnated in the past decade or so, in part because the economy… Continue Reading…