Personal Finance

“…the biggest end-of-year money mistakes…”

“1. Not cleaning up monthly statements…2. Not taking advantage of rewards credit cards…3. Not using up your FSA account…4. Not contributing enough to your 401(k)…5. Not planning for major 2020 events… Accumulating the necessary funds for big-ticket items (e.g., a… Continue Reading…

Cryptocurrencies, Personal Finance

“How to make money with Bitcoin”

“Run a signature campaign Bitcointalk, one of the oldest Bitcoin forums originally set up by Satoshi Nakamoto, enables you to get paid by sponsors for posts you make on the forum. You need to post consistently and achieve minimum word… Continue Reading…

Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

How To: Stock Market Money Making Methods

Someone asked me what steps should or could be taken to make money in stocks. I’m glad they asked because now I can give an answer. Off the top of my head I can think of two strategies to make… Continue Reading…


“10 Ridiculously Simple Business Tips That Will Help You Beat Your Competition”

“1. Don’t sell products, provide solutions …Don’t list all the benefits your product brings. Focus on the solutions. Explain to the customer in simple, straightforward terms how or why your product can help them or assist in the attainment of their… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

“3 Money Lies That Could Wreck Your Finances”

“1. It’s OK to hold off on saving for retirement because you have plenty of time left …Although it’s reasonable to assume you can afford to wait to start saving if you have decades left before retirement, every year counts.… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“More cash-strapped small businesses turning to crowdfunding”

“Most people think of GoFundMe as a way to raise money for medical debt, funeral costs or natural disaster relief, but the crowdfunding website is increasingly used by struggling small businesses, says CEO Rob Solomon.  Thousands of small businesses, ranging… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“More borrowers are going underwater on car loans”

“Consumers, salespeople and lenders are treating cars a lot like houses during the last financial crisis: by piling on debt to such a degree that it often exceeds the car’s value. This phenomenon—referred to as negative equity, or being underwater—can… Continue Reading…

Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Penny Stock Tip: Most Important Trend

For those of you new to my website upon reading you’ll quickly find out I really like penny stocks. The experts say they’re dangerous. You can lose a lot of money really fast. On the flip side you can also… Continue Reading…


“5 Essential Things to Know Before Investing In Precious Metals”

“…1. Physical gold and silver in hand is not the same as precious metals ETFs and mining stocks. …With mining stocks, you are investing more in the miner than in the actual metals… So even if the price of gold… Continue Reading…


“What inspired these top advisers to help others manage money”

“Financial professionals sometimes get stereotyped as bean counters and calculator-button pushers, but in speaking with top executives at leading advisory firms that made’s FA 100 list this year, it’s apparent that there are two themes common to most of their background… Continue Reading…