
“Bashing The Rich Is Not What America’s About,” Kevin O’Leary Says of Increasing Taxes For The Wealthy”

“Well-known entrepreneur and TV personality Kevin O’Leary recently spoke on Fox News about taxing the rich in response to a caller stating, “I just want an America where I have the chance to pay less in taxes than people like Kevin O’Leary.”…”… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Air travel demand is breaking records. Airline profits are not”

“…Some airlines have forecast record demand, and in some cases, revenue. On Sunday, the Transportation Security Administration screened more than 3 million people, a one-day record. But higher labor and other costs have eaten into airlines’ bottom lines. To adapt to slower demand… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

“Boomers Bought Up the Big Homes. Now They’re Not Budging.”

“Baby boomers bought up many of the big homes across the U.S. when they were raising their families. Now they’re staying put, even though their kids are all grown up.  Boomers are on top in a housing market where tight… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Over 500,000 fast-food workers in California just got a huge raise thanks to a new law—but not everyone is celebrating” There’s no need to quote the article here. Click the link if you wish to read. More importantly businesses are going to layoff employees. Low wadges are better than no wadges. Communism / socialism does not work. Jobs can… Continue Reading…

Real Estate

“Homebuyers need to earn 80% more than in 2020 to afford a house in this market. It’s not just due to high mortgage rates”

“…Almost four years ago, a household earning $59,000 annually could afford a new mortgage without spending more than 30% of their monthly income and with a 10% down payment, according to a recent report by Zillow Group. That is no longer the… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Americans Don’t Care as Much About Work. And It Isn’t Just Gen Z.”

“By outward appearances, the labor market today looks much as it did before the pandemic. The unemployment rate is just as low, the share of adults in the labor force is just as high, and wages are growing at roughly… Continue Reading…


“Consumer spending growth will slow in 2024, economist predicts — it’s ‘not necessarily sustainable’”

“…Recent reports already show signs of strain. In the last year, credit card debt spiked to a record high, surpassing $1.08 trillion, according to the latest quarterly report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Now, more cardholders are carrying debt from month to… Continue Reading…


“The price of money is going up, and it’s not only because of the Fed”

“What’s the most important price in the global economy? The price of oil? The price of semiconductors? The price of a Big Mac? More important than any of these is the price of money. For more than three decades it… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

[China] “Country Garden’s entire offshore debt to be in default if Tuesday payment not made”

“Country Garden’s entire offshore debt will be deemed to be in default if China’s largest private property developer fails to make a $15 million coupon payment on Tuesday, the end of a 30-day grace period… With nearly $11 billion of… Continue Reading…

Real Estate

“Country Garden [Chinese Real Estate] says it may not be able to repay debt, warns of uncertainty around liquidity position”

“Chinese real estate developer Country Garden Holdings said it expects it will not be able to make all of its offshore repayments, including those issued in U.S. dollar notes. The company failed to make a debt repayment of 470 million Hong Kong… Continue Reading…