Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Beginner Tip: Apply What You Learn

You may have heard there is no such thing as “get rich quick.” There isn’t but there is a such thing as getting rich quicker. What that means is there are ways to acquire wealth more quickly. How quickly this… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Quality Of Life Tip: Carry $100 In Cash At All Times

This is an extremely good tip I read about a while ago. The point is to have immediate funds in case of any problems or emergency. What if there’s a problem and no ATM’s are around? What if a place… Continue Reading…

Investing, Personal Finance

Into The Stock Market: Head First

For better or worse I’ve always been the type of person that disregards strategic maneuvers and tackles situations head on. I’ve always had a slight interest in the stock market and I see no time better than the present to… Continue Reading…