

Banking, Business

“Small Business Loan Approvals At Big Banks Hit New High…”

“The approval percentage for small business loan applicants hit a record high of 27.3% at big banks ($10 billion+ in assets) in March, up one-tenth of a percent from February, according to the latest Biz2Credit Small Business Lending Index™. Approvals… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

High End Housing Market Boom

“As pricey homes hit market, median list price for a house reaches record $300,000“ “If you’re selling a high-end home, you’ve got company. More pricey houses are up for sale this year, pushing listing prices to record highs. The median… Continue Reading…

Banking, Business, Economy

“The federal budget posted a record monthly deficit in February”

“The U.S. posted its largest monthly budget deficit on record in February with a gap of $234 billion, breaking the previous $231.7 billion mark set in February 2012, Bloomberg reports. The big picture: According to Treasury data released Friday, the… Continue Reading…

Economy, Real Estate

“Average U.S. mortgage size hits record-high $354,500 -MBA”

“The average size of mortgages U.S. consumers were looking to obtain to buy a home or to refinance one hit a record high of $354,500 last week, suggesting resilience in the higher end of the housing market, the Mortgage Bankers… Continue Reading…


IBM Makes Biggest acquisition In Software History

“… IBM said it would buy cloud computing firm Red Hat for $34 billion — the largest software deal in history. Red Hat, which facilitates the movement of data across various cloud platforms, is an industry leader. Dimitris Mavrakis, research… Continue Reading…