
“Fed officials are worried about the inflation impacts from Trump’s policies, minutes show”

“… …” Which policies? None were listed. No evidence given leads me to believe the Fed is lying. You know what will increase inflation? The Fed lowering interest rates will. I’m not saying lowering them is a bad thing… Continue Reading…


KIRK ELLIOTT FINANCIAL NEWS & ANALYSIS: ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Friday 8/16/24 I got a little behind with the Financial news. When so much happens all at once I get a little behind. I had to watch / catchup with the shows. I linked shared 5 different videos in total. They’re… Continue Reading…

Economy, Uncategorized

“ALEX JONES [FULL] Monday 7/15/24 • ALERT! Emergency Message Concerning Future Of America & The World” [Click Here To Watch] Click link to watch video. Everyone knows by now there was an attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump. America needs help. This country is in so much trouble right now. This is not business as usual. Pun intended.… Continue Reading…