


“The US will need to spend trillions more as economy takes until 2022 to fully recover: CNBC survey”

“The economy could take one to two years to rebound to full strength and the Federal Reserve and Congress, having already committed historic sums to fight the coronavirus pandemic, will have to commit trillions more, according to respondents to the… Continue Reading…


“U.S. airlines want a $50 billion bailout. They spent $45 billion buying back their stock.”

“We don’t know yet which companies are going to get how much in federal bailout money and what the bailout terms will be. But it’s a sure bet that a ton of money will be earmarked for our nation’s four… Continue Reading…


“Federal Taxes and Spending Set Records Through February”

“During the October-February period, the government spent a record $1,991,272,000,000 while it collected a record $1,366,750,000,000 in taxes… Thus, while running up records in taxing and spending for the first five months of the fiscal year, the federal government also… Continue Reading…


“Federal Taxes and Spending Set Records Through January”

“The federal government set records for both the amount of taxes it collected and the amount of money it spent in the first four months of fiscal 2020 (October through January), according to data released today in the Monthly Treasury Statement.… Continue Reading…


“New Netflix analyst on Wall Street says stock could fall 15% if its forced to spend more on content”

“Citi has a new Netflix analyst and he’s joining the minority of Wall Street analysts that are cautious on the stock… “Street estimates [are] too high,” Bazinet said in a note to clients on Tuesday. Over the last seven years, there has… Continue Reading…


“PayPal CEO: Spending by our nearly 300 million users makes me ‘pretty bullish’ about US economy”

“Dan Schulman, CEO of digital payments giant PayPal, told CNBC on Wednesday that spending activity by their nearly 300 million users remains high, strengthening his optimism about the future of the overall U.S. economy. “In the U.S., consumer spend is still strong,” Schulman… Continue Reading…


“US GDP rose a better-than-expected 1.9% in the third quarter as consumers continued to spend”

“U.S. gross domestic product — the broadest measure of the U.S. economy — grew faster than expected in the third quarter, but slowed slightly as business investment continued to decline. The Commerce Department said Wednesday that economic activity grew at… Continue Reading…


“Federal Income Taxes and Federal Spending Both Set Records in FY19”

“The amount of money the federal government collected in individual income taxes and the total amount of money the federal government spent both set records in fiscal 2019, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released Friday afternoon. …the federal government… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Americans Spent More on Taxes in 2018 Than on Food, Clothing and Health Care Combined”

“Americans on average spent more on taxes in 2018 than they did on the basic necessities of food, clothing and health care combined, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey… In 2018, according to Table R-1, American consumer… Continue Reading…