

Personal Finance

“7 things people who are good with money never buy”

“They’re not buying brand-new cars… And they’re not leasing a new car constantly, either…They won’t buy houses they can’t afford…They’re not buying things on credit that they can’t pay for…They’re not buying luxury goods from brand-name designers…And they’re less likely… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

More Than Half Of American Parents Went Over Their Summer Budgets

“A new survey from TD Ameritrade finds that 52% of parents with children under 18 spent more than they intended to this summer. The average summer debt for those parents is $1,960 this year. That compares with just $563 for… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Apple TV+ spending more than $6 billion on new shows, plans to launch before Disney+: report”

” Apple Inc. AAPL, +1.60% has committed to spending more than $6 billion on original content for its upcoming streaming-video service, which it expects to launch within two months, the Financial Times reported Monday. … Bloomberg News report Monday said Apple is weighing a price of $9.99… Continue Reading…


“Federal Spending Sets Record Through June”

“The federal government spent a record $3,355,970,000,000 in the first nine months of fiscal 2019 (October through June), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. Prior to this fiscal year, the most the federal government had ever spent in the… Continue Reading…


“9 tricks casinos use to keep you spending your money”

“They make you play with chips instead of real money…There isn’t a clock in sight…They give you round after round of free alcohol…The floor is designed in a maze-like layout…They offer free room and board…They restrict your views of the… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Real Estate

“Tricky ways real estate agents get you to spend more money”

“1. Playing with the quote… … “Say you are told that a property will sell between $500,000 and $550,000. You may think that you can pay the low estimate. But in reality you are already setting yourself up to pay… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“US retail spending rebounds in February, driven by autos”

“The unexpectedly strong month for the key retail sector helped recover losses after December’s worrisome slump, according to the Commerce Department… Total retail sales rose 1.6 percent to $514.1 billion, well above the 0.9 percent economists had been expecting. The… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Cut, cut, cut the debt

A debt problem is a major problem. No matter how much a persons makes if they spend more than they take in they’ll never attain financial freedom. This is, or should be common knowledge so why are so many people… Continue Reading…