Banking, Economy

“Developing nations spent record $443.5 billion on public debt in 2022, World Bank says”

“Developing countries paid a record $443.5 billion in 2022 to service their public debt as global interest rates surged, according to the World Bank… The cost of servicing debt for the world’s 24 poorest nations could surge by as much… Continue Reading…


“Shipping Containers That Spent Weeks Aboard Ships Stuck At Ports Now Being Dumped In Nearby Neighborhoods”

“With the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach now running 24/7 operations, a new problem has occurred. Many of the shipping containers that spent weeks onboard ships waiting to be unloaded are now being dumped in nearby neighborhoods once they’re emptied…… Continue Reading…


“U.S. airlines want a $50 billion bailout. They spent $45 billion buying back their stock.”

“We don’t know yet which companies are going to get how much in federal bailout money and what the bailout terms will be. But it’s a sure bet that a ton of money will be earmarked for our nation’s four… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance

More Than Half Of American Parents Went Over Their Summer Budgets

“A new survey from TD Ameritrade finds that 52% of parents with children under 18 spent more than they intended to this summer. The average summer debt for those parents is $1,960 this year. That compares with just $563 for… Continue Reading…