Banking, Economy

“Chinese, Saudi Central Banks Sign Currency Swap Worth $7 Billion”

“China and Saudi Arabia have signed a local-currency swap agreement worth around $7 billion, deepening their ties as countries across the Middle East look to shift more of their non-oil trade away from the dollar. The two countries’ central banks… Continue Reading…


“Dutch Pension Funds Send Shockwaves Through Euro Swap Market”

“Dutch pension funds are plowing cash into long-dated swap contracts, according to strategists, upending one of this year’s most popular trades. The funds, by far the region’s largest with more than €1.5 trillion in assets, are likely bidding up the… Continue Reading…


“Bank of America to Lead $500 Million Debt Swap for Gabon”

“…Banks in Europe and the US are vying to play a role in structuring and arranging new debt-for-nature swaps, deals that yield fees and boost their profile in the sustainable debt market. Developing countries with valuable ecosystems are turning to… Continue Reading…