

Business, Real Estate

“Sweden’s Property Crunch Worsens as Another Firm Cut to Junk”

“Sweden’s beleaguered property sector suffered another blow when one of the largest office landlords in the capital was downgraded to junk status by Moody’s Investors Service. Stockholm-based FastPartner AB saw its rating cut one step to Ba1 with the possibility… Continue Reading…

Real Estate

“Sweden Housing Crisis Is Cratering The EU Economy”

“EDITOR’S NOTE: America may be going through its own housing recession, but in Sweden, its domestic housing crisis is so severe, it’s cratering a sizable chunk of the EU’s economy. Similar to the 2008 subprime crisis in the US, Sweden’s… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“Negative rates come to the US: 1-month and 3-month Treasury bill yields are now below zero”

“Yields on both the one-month and three-month Treasury bills dipped below zero Wednesday, a week and a half after the Federal Reserve cuts its benchmark rate to near-zero and as investors have flocked to the safety of fixed income amid… Continue Reading…


“The U.S. Now Has More Millionaires Than Sweden Has People Read”

” The number of wealthy households in the U.S. reached a new high last year, roughly equivalent to the entire population of Sweden or Portugal. More than 10.2 million households had a net worth of $1 million to $5 million,… Continue Reading…