Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

How To: Stock Market Money Making Methods

Someone asked me what steps should or could be taken to make money in stocks. I’m glad they asked because now I can give an answer. Off the top of my head I can think of two strategies to make… Continue Reading…


“9 tricks casinos use to keep you spending your money”

“They make you play with chips instead of real money…There isn’t a clock in sight…They give you round after round of free alcohol…The floor is designed in a maze-like layout…They offer free room and board…They restrict your views of the… Continue Reading…

Personal Finance, Real Estate

“Tricky ways real estate agents get you to spend more money”

“1. Playing with the quote… … “Say you are told that a property will sell between $500,000 and $550,000. You may think that you can pay the low estimate. But in reality you are already setting yourself up to pay… Continue Reading…