Business, Economy

“Saudis Warned G-7 Over Russia Seizures With Debt Sale Threat”

“Saudi Arabia privately hinted earlier this year it might sell some European debt holdings if the Group of Seven decided to seize almost $300 billion of Russia’s frozen assets, people familiar with the matter said… In May and June, the… Continue Reading…

Banking, Economy

“…Cathie Wood has warned of another ‘Great Depression’ if the Fed doesn’t pivot…”

“…“The Fed raised rates in 1929 to squelch financial speculation and then, in 1930, Congress passed Smoot-Hawley, putting 50%+ tariffs on more than 20,000 goods and pushing the global economy into the Great Depression,” Wood said. “If the Fed does… Continue Reading…

Economy, Energy

“…Americans are warned to budget for $5-A-GALLON gas as oil prices surge during Russian invasion of Ukraine and US national average rises to $3.61”

“Americans can expect to see gas prices to rise to $5 a gallon in the coming weeks, as the cost of oil continues to rise in the days following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, experts say – and some parts of California… Continue Reading…