
“European military powers work on 5-10 year plan to replace US in Nato”

“Europe’s biggest military powers are drawing up plans to take on greater responsibilities for the continent’s defence from the US, including a pitch to the Trump administration for a managed transfer over the next five to 10 years. The discussions… Continue Reading…

Banking, Business

“Wall Street banker’s death at 35 ignites firestorm over alleged grueling 100-hour work weeks”

“The death of a Bank of America associate last week has ignited a firestorm on Wall Street as some bankers slam the toxic work culture they feel contributed to his death — including reported complaints over 100-hour work weeks. Leo… Continue Reading…


“38% of Americans have ‘never felt more uninspired at work than they do now’”

“…The survey, conducted by Talker Research and commissioned by Life Time Work, polled 2,000 employed Americans and found that this lack of inspiration is directly impacting productivity. Another 38 percent of respondents admitted to feeling only “somewhat” productive at work,… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Americans Don’t Care as Much About Work. And It Isn’t Just Gen Z.”

“By outward appearances, the labor market today looks much as it did before the pandemic. The unemployment rate is just as low, the share of adults in the labor force is just as high, and wages are growing at roughly… Continue Reading…


“Gen Z are treating employers like bad dates: 93% ghost interviews and 87% have not even shown up for their first day of work” I don’t care about what this article has to say. I say good for Gen Z if they can afford it. Do what makes you happy. At the end of the day that’s all what matters. In reality work… Continue Reading…

Business, Real Estate

“Allstate cut half its office space after adopting flexible work. Job applications soared 23%…”

“…The company has embraced a flexible work strategy, allowing managers and their teams to determine their own work arrangements. As such, Allstate has slashed more than half of its real estate, selling its Northbrook, Ill., headquarters in 2022. Some 99% of its 54,000… Continue Reading…


“92% of young people would sacrifice other perks for a 4-day workweek” Instead of quoting this article I’ll make a few comments instead. You know how a person can achieve their desires in a job? Stop putting up with B.S. [For lack of a better term] If you want a 4… Continue Reading…


“No One Is Happy About Diversity Efforts at Work”

“The Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate affirmative action is hitting workplaces as diversity initiatives face pressure from supporters and skeptics…” The article is behind a pay wall but let me speak on this subject. Diversity’s strength lies in diversity… Continue Reading…


“Boycotts rarely work — but anti-LGBTQ+ backlash is forcing companies into tough choices”

“…As boycotts move beyond social-media-fueled outrage, companies like Anheuser-Busch, Target and Disney are facing monthslong public relations fiascos that have resulted in market share losses, C-suite shake-ups, legal battles and even threats to employees. In some cases, corporations have drawn the ire of conservative customers… Continue Reading…


“Burned Out by Covid and 80-Hour Workweeks, Resident Physicians Unionize”

“…Residents are newly minted physicians who have finished medical school and must spend three to seven years training at established teaching hospitals before they can practice independently. Under the supervision of a teaching physician, residents examine, diagnose, and treat patients.… Continue Reading…