
Jobs: August U.S. payrolls 130,000 – Low Supply Of Workers?

“Job growth continued at a tepid pace in August, with nonfarm payrolls increasing by just 130,000 thanks in large part to the temporary hiring of Census workers, the Labor Department reported Friday… Wage growth remained solid, with average hourly earnings… Continue Reading…


“The most overworked cities in the US might surprise you”

“If you live in Washington D.C., Houston or Atlanta, it might be time to take a vacation. Those three cities, followed by Seattle and Chicago, are the most overworked cities in the United States, according to a study released by the mobile… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“Four day work weeks sound too good to be true. These companies make it work”

” Shake Shack recently announced it would test out the idea of a four-day workweek at some of its restaurants on the West Coast. The tests vary by restaurant, but employees work an average of 40 hours in four days with the… Continue Reading…


“$700 million in oil spill money slated for Louisiana roadwork”

“Louisiana lawmakers want to redirect nearly $700 million in Gulf oil spill recovery money that had been earmarked for trust funds to instead finance roadwork, bridge upgrades and port improvements. The state is receiving yearly payments of $53.3 million through… Continue Reading…