
“The price of money is going up, and it’s not only because of the Fed”

“What’s the most important price in the global economy? The price of oil? The price of semiconductors? The price of a Big Mac? More important than any of these is the price of money. For more than three decades it was falling. Now it’s going up. Ask most people how the price of money is set, and they’ll say central banks. True, when it comes to direct control of US interest rates, the Federal Reserve calls the shots. But there’s a deeper logic at work. Fundamentally, the price of money—like the price of anything else—reflects the balance of supply and demand…”

Propaganda and half-truths; that’s what this article is. Everyone knows, or should know, a half truth is a full lie. Inflation, cause by money printing, and creating artificial scarcity in the energy sector is causing the vast majority of inflation. So yea it isn’t all the Fed. It’s also government regulations. Cutting off oil pipelines and preventing new projects is driving up energy itself. Energy fuels the economy. Pun intended.

Also America has enough Coal for ten thousand years worth of use. That’s not a grammatical error. America doesn’t have a energy problem. It has a problem with Evil. Government regulation is not only holding back the energy sector its suppressing innovation. All this garbage talk about EV’s [electric vehicles] when the technology exist for cars to run off air itself. This technology existed at lest since the 90’s and India created a car that could do this.

TL;DR [To Long Didn’t Read] The powers that be are lying to you.

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