
“The U.S. Economy Is Now A Giant Bubble. A ‘Pop’ Could Be a Disaster.”

“It has long been said that when America, still the world’s largest economy, catches a cold, the rest of the world economy catches pneumonia. With America now engaged in a budget and monetary policy stimulus experiment of epic proportions, the rest of the world is soon to find out what happens to the global economy when America succumbs to an inflationary fever.

Unfortunately, there is good reason to fear that the results will not be pretty. This would especially seem to be the case considering the fact that the American economic policy experiment is occurring at a time that we are in the midst of a global “everything” asset price and credit market bubble…”

It’s time to get your ducks in a row. It’s sad to say but hard times lay ahead of us. The good news is some people are warning everybody up front. If people take action ahead of time they can mitigate some of the economic fallout to them personally.

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