


“The U.S. to lose 80,000 retail stores by 2026: UBS”

“A new report from UBS’s retail analysts suggests that 80,000 stores will close in the U.S. over the next few years. “We estimate that 80,000 stores will close by 2026 in our base case,” the report found. The worst-case scenario is 150,000 stores closing…

UBS expects the shift online to continue. While the pandemic has been hard on stores, the analysts note that many did not close because of the broad business shutdowns to slow Covid-19 transmission. Online retail’s market share of the full retail landscape climbed from 14% in 2019 to 18% in 2020 – an uptick that hasn’t been fully felt by stores…”

Sometimes I wonder about the people who write some of these articles. Basically this article is blaming online purchases for the loss of most of those jobs. That’s like blaming horse carriages going out of business on automobiles. Industries are being replaced.

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