
“Thinking about quitting your job? So are 39% of US employees”

“A new piece of research has found 39% of employees who have been with a company for less than six months plan to leave within the next 12 months, a six point increase from last year…

One interesting trend is that a significant number of employees who leave a job are boomeranging back to a previous employer, and companies are becoming increasingly focussed on recruiting alumni as potential rehires…

Sometimes it takes an employee who feels undervalued and under-compensated by their employer leaving for a new job to make the original employer sit up and take notice. It’s only when the employee is gone that the employer realizes what they have lost. ..”  

Those employees going back to their original job most likely wont stay long if I had to guess. It’s a in-between job. The previous employees shouldn’t depend on those workers to much. That’s just my two cents.

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