Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

Tips & Strategies To Help Survive This Rocky Economy

What I’m about to say is very important. Due to the current state of world affairs its a horrible idea to be nonchalant or just go with the flow. Getting straight down to business. If you’re in a major city, especially if you’ve lost your job, get out. There’s no reason for you to be there. You can come back and work after everything settles down. Trust me when I tell you, you do not want to be a major city hub during a full scale lock down. If there is a lack of food, if there are riots, if there’s a power outage that’ll be the perfect recipe for total chaos.

Second, I know money is tight right now. Some of you are probably thinking how will I eat if you run out of money. Now is the time to get some seeds and start a garden. Yes, this takes time so the sooner you start the better. There are a good many vegetables that grow in under a month. If SHTF (junk hits the fan) at least you will know where your next meal is coming from. Also this will give you something to do if you’re bored; since basically no one is going anywhere and there’s nothing much to do.

Also, if possible, now is a perfect time to focus on your side hustle. For those of you who don’t know what a side hustle is it’s basically you’re job outside your primary job. The most piratical thing to do is to turn your hobby into a job. That way even if you don’t make any money at least you’re enjoying what you’re doing. Also you’re not wasting time.

Now is the time to get creative about making money. Form plans. Make strategies. Now is the perfect time especially for those of you who don’t have a job at the moment. You’re not going to fire yourself. That being said now is not the time to waste money. I do not recommend going into debt. Look for the cheapest possible options. If it seems impossible to make money at the moment then position yourself to quickly start making money as soon as our economy returns to normal.

How can you do that? Everyone is at home. They’re most likely using the internet more so now is the perfect time to expand your network on social media. No matter the business it wants as many eyes on its products as possible. Lets say you’re primary career in the travel industry. You think you can’t do anything at the moment right? Wrong. That’s very wrong. You can increase your potential client base now in the down time. Create future buyers. When people go back to work you’re already ahead of the game because you were expanding your network on websites and social media.

No matter how grim the situation there are always options. Don’t waste your time twiddling your thumbs. It may not turn out well.

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