Predictions, Opinions, & Comments

What To Do BEFORE The Economy Crashes: Preemptive Measures

For those of you who haven’t read my article Titled “Managing The Upcoming Economic Downturn: Navigating Hard Times” it would do you well to read it. Click that text of the title. It’s a hyper link. I’ll be honest with everyone. This is one time i hope I’m wrong about the economy. I don’t want the economy to be in shambles. A lot of experts are saying the economy could go anywhere from a stock market crash, which is very bad, to the collapse of the dollar, which is horrible. I agree that what ever happens it’s going to be bad. I just don’t know how bad so I won’t go that far in detail with my prediction.

What should you do? First and foremost if you live in a major city right now you’re crazy. Get out now. You need to do this as soon as possible. If anything happens to the economy every major city is going to be a nightmare. Riots, murders, no stores with food or water due to panic buying… It’s just not good to be in any of these places.

Second, store some food. If the store runs out what are you going to do? Everyone should remember what happened with toilet paper not to long ago. Imagine if that was food in general. It would be total chaos. Also if you have a yard you need to start a garden. If you’re a skeptical person at the very least get some seeds. That way when the economy reaches the point of no return you may be behind the game because the food’s not planted but at least you can start immediately. Seeds are cheap. Get some. Seeds are cheap. Get some. Seeds are cheap. Get some!

Be prepared to defend your family and your property. If anything major happens to the economy there will be thieves. There will be lots of them. You need to be ready to repel them. What are you going to do if the police are overwhelmed?

As for the investing side of things precious metals, commodities and probably cryptocurrency will preform well. Some experts are saying real estate will collapse with the stock market as well so if you’re in real estate be aware of that. It most certainly will drop in cities because if people are not leaving now, which they are, they will leave in droves later. That means the price of real estate in cities will drop at the very least.

This is a good starting point for everyone. Now you know what to do so get started. In the best case scenario and I’m wrong you’d be ready for future natural disasters and such. That’s a good thing in and of it self. That’s it for now. Until next time. Lets make money together.

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