
“Why America’s outdated energy grid is a climate problem”

“…Currently, electricity generation results in 32% of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, mostly from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. Those fuels are transported and burned where electricity is needed.

But inexpensive emissions-free sources of energy, like solar and wind, are only abundant in places where the sun shines or wind blows, and that’s not necessarily close to homes and businesses. Moreover, demand for electricity is going to rise as fossil fuels are gradually replaced for a whole host of other uses, such as electric vehicles and heat pumps…”

These statements are not true. I’m not saying they’re lying. They just don’t know any better. Carbon Dioxide is good for the planet not bad. Also Oil is not a fossil fuel. It’s the second most abundant liquid on earth and its renewable. More importantly even if oil and carbon were bad it’s not like we would be using them in the next 400 years. Long story short all this talk about global warming is nonsense.

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