
“Why so many men in the US have stopped working”

  • The share of prime working-age US men with a job has declined from about 96% in the 1950s to 86% today. 
  • Some positive factors, like the rise of working women, have contributed to the decline. 
  • But there are also several more concerning reasons men aren’t working like they used to. 

America’s men are working at much lower rates than they used to — and the reasons are a mixed bag of positive and negative economic news…”

The two main reasons why less men are working are not covered in this article. 1. Dating / Marriage has turned into a weapon to be wielded by the government to destroy men. I.E. Divorce. Because of this men are less interested in marriage. How does this relate to working? Motivation that’s how. Men used to work, very hard at that, to increase their ability to marry women of their choice. Marriage is on the decline so this reason for working is ever decreasing.

2. Economy. The wealth gap is only increasing not decreasing. Poor men at some point may give up if they reason they’ll always be poor or can’t get ahead. This isn’t all poor men but this pool of men is growing because the entire pool of poor people is growing in general. The total percentage of middle class workers has been shrinking for the past 50 years.

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