


“World Bank slashes global growth forecast to 2.9%, warns of ‘stagflation’ risk”

“The World Bank on Tuesday slashed its global growth forecast by nearly a third to 2.9% for 2022, warning that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has compounded the damage from the COVID-19 pandemic, and many countries now faced recession…

In a news conference, World Bank President David Malpass said global growth could fall to 2.1% in 2022 and 1.5% in 2023, driving per capita growth close to zero, if downside risks materialized…

Malpass said global growth was being hammered by the war, fresh COVID lockdowns in China, supply-chain disruptions and the rising risk of stagflation — a period of weak growth and high inflation last seen in the 1970s…”

Don’t forget governments around the world have been attacking their main source of energy which is oil. Europe has oil problems because countries like Germany keep shutting down pipelines.

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