
“Zoom Is Down 88% From Its All-Time High, Is Cathie Wood Still Right About This Once Unstoppable Stock?”

“… Ark holds positions in Zoom through its exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and analysts there believe the stock could soar about 2,100% by 2026. Although Zoom has some interesting applications, I question Ark’s long-term price target. With the stock down 88% from its all-time high…”

In my opinion Cathie Wood is wrong. It’s not because her price point prediction is right or wrong for that matter. It’s because the prediction is early. In the stock market if you are early and correct you are wrong. Before Zoom explodes the situation around commercial real estate needs to change. My guess would be the shift to applications such as zoom will happen after shifting from traditional office spaces. My guess on when that would happen would be after commercial real estate collapse. That seems like the most opportune time to me.

Long story short I don”t think Zoom will see those amazing numbers until there’s a correction in the commercial real estate market. If one believes her price point they have plenty of time. That’s how I view the situation.

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