Banking, Economy

“IMF expects a soft landing for the world economy in 2024”

“…The IMF estimates in its new World Economic Outlook report that the global economy will grow 3.1% this year, the same as in 2023, before rising modestly by 3.2% in 2025.

The latest forecast is two-tenths of a percent higher than the international body estimated in October, reflecting the progress being made to bring down inflation and an upgrade to growth outlooks in China, the US, and large emerging markets…”

See the bold? This is a lie. Multiple banks are downgrading Chinese businesses and the Government for that matter. China is in the middle of what looks like a economic collapse. It’s impossible for them to grow. I don’t trust anything the IMF says. As for America we still have to deal with the potential crisis in commercial real estate.

This lie is so bold it makes me believe the opposite of what they say will happen.

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