
“Streaming Was Supposed to Rescue the Ailing TV Ad Business. It Hasn’t.”

“…The move marks an important inflection point. TV commercials have long stood as the cornerstone of modern advertising. This dominance was owed, in part, to TV’s capacity to reach vast and diverse audiences through ads that leverage sound, sight and motion to evoke emotional responses.

These vast audiences aren’t tuning in anymore...”

No. TV was a captive audience. They were force to watch ads and pay for channels they never wanted. The reality is people hate ads. In the age of the internet there’s more competition. If people don’t like your content they won’t watch. Run all the ads you want. If your content sucks no one will watch.

All I hear is a bunch of complaining about competition and the “good ole days.” The days of forcing people to watch garbage is over. Good riddance.

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