Economy, Personal Finance

“63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck — including nearly half of six-figure earners”

“As of September, 63% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent LendingClub report — near the 64% historic high hit in March. A year ago, the number of adults who felt strained was closer to 57%. “Consumers are… Continue Reading…


“72% of six-figure earners are men, while 57% of workers making under $25,000 are women, survey finds”

“Many Americans agree it now takes a six-figure salary — at least — to get by amid today’s rising prices and economic uncertainty. Yet, 72% of six-figure earners are men, according to a recent report by MagnifyMoney that’s based on an analysis… Continue Reading…


“Second-quarter U.S. GDP left at 2%…”

“The U.S. economy grew more slowly in the second quarter, updated figures confirm, and is slow growth is expected to persist through the end of the year largely because of the festering trade fight with China. Gross domestic product, the… Continue Reading…


Debt: “U.S. Budget Deficit Already Exceeds Last Year’s Total Figure”

“The gap grew to $866.8 billion in the first 10 months of the fiscal year, up 27% from the same period a year earlier, the Treasury Department said in its monthly budget report on Monday. That’s wider than last fiscal… Continue Reading…