

Business, Economy

“…Arizona, an $8.5 billion CHIPS grant spells ‘jobs’ more than geopolitics”

“CHANDLER, Ariz. — In the booming Phoenix metro area, Washington policymakers’ rare bipartisan push to bolster national security in their high-tech arms race with China brings major enthusiasm for something more basic: jobs. A fresh influx of $8.5 billion in CHIPS… Continue Reading…


“Cisco says it’s cutting 5% of global workforce, amounting to over 4,000 jobs”

“…It’s the latest tech company to downsize in 2024, as the industry continues to squeeze out costs following the market downturn that hit two years ago. January was the busiest month for job cuts in the industry since March, as Alphabet, Amazon,… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“AI Is Starting to Threaten White-Collar Jobs. Few Industries Are Immune.”

“Decades after automation began taking and transforming manufacturing jobs, artificial intelligence is coming for the higher-ups in the corporate office…” Honestly i think these types of articles are kind of pointless. When the Car was invented all the people with horse… Continue Reading…


“U.S. economy added 353,000 jobs in January, much better than expected”

“…Nonfarm payrolls expanded by 353,000 for the month, much better than the Dow Jones estimate for 185,000, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. The unemployment rate held at 3.7%, against the estimate for 3.8%. Wage growth also showed… Continue Reading…


“UPS to Cut 12,000 Jobs and Mandate Return to Offices Five Days a Week” The article is behind a paywall so I’ll just speak about the title. It seems like UPS isn’t doing to well. The order to return to offices is because of commercial real estate offices they rented. It’s a waste… Continue Reading…


“Trader Makes Massive Bet Treasuries Will Get Slammed After Jobs Report”

“…The trade targets a surge in US 10-year yields to as high as 4.15% by Friday’s close of business, or a jump of about 0.15 percentage points from Thursday’s closing level. That would mark the biggest one-day rise in 10-year… Continue Reading…


“U.S. payrolls increased by 216,000 in December, much better than expected”

“…December’s jobs report showed employers added 216,000 positions for the month while the unemployment rate held at 3.7%. Payroll growth showed a sizeable gain from November’s downwardly revised 173,000. October also was revised lower, to 105,000 from 150,000, indicating a slightly less… Continue Reading…

Business, Economy

“News media outlets slashed record 2,700 jobs in 2023, with more expected “

“News media outlets have done away with nearly 2,700 jobs so far in 2023, the most since 2020, according to a new study. Data from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas found media companies overall have made 20,324 cuts so far in… Continue Reading…


“Payrolls increased by 336,000 in September, much more than expected”

“Job growth was stronger than expected in September, a sign that the U.S. economy is hanging tough despite higher interest rates, labor strife and dysfunction in Washington. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 336,000 for the month, better than the Dow Jones… Continue Reading…


“IBM Plans To Replace Nearly 8,000 Jobs With AI — These Jobs Are First to Go”

“IBM CEO Arvind Krishna announced a hiring pause in May, but that’s not all. Later that month, the CEO also stated the company plans to replace nearly 8,000 jobs with AI. Krishna noted that back-office functions, specifically in the human resources (HR)… Continue Reading…