
“There are plenty of jobs, but not enough people to fill them. What’s going on?”

“The U.S. created 850,000 new jobs in June. Great. Yet 9 million people who likely would be working right now had there been no pandemic are still sitting at home. The economy would recover a lot faster if they were back on the job. The problem is not a lack of available work, however. Job openings soared to a record 9.3 million in April and there’s a good chance they rose again in May. The latest numbers will be available on Wednesday…”

I’ll tell you what’s going on. 1.) Not so much now but there still are a lot of people scared of Covid19. 2.) Free money called stimulus checks disincentive people to work. The same can be said for extended unemployment benefits. 3.) Many of the people who wanted to work had their business forcibly shut down. Did you think they would all go work for some mega corporation? No, they are going to do what they can to get their business back up and running. Also many of them went out of business.

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